(there's a rap song in there I know it)
Thank goodness he didn't take us in because that low-income city shelter would have euthanized me on the spot! Lucky for all of us, a Much Love volunteer happened to come to the shelter that day for her usual rescue mission. Before she could come in, she saw me held by this man crying. She understood Spanish, so he told her our sad sad story, lifting his arm to show her my 3 babies sucking on what was left of me.
Next thing I know, I'm locked in a bathroom of some surfer vet in Malibu! He fed us, gave us medicine to help us feel better, bathed me and gave me lotion to heal the scabs and scars so eventually my fur grew back. When I was healthy enough, he spayed me and even gave me an eye lift (I'm pretty sure he does Goldie Hawn's too).
Suddenly, we're scooped up and driven to a huge beautiful house in Oxnard and locked up in a bathroom with a door that leads to an outdoor jacuzzi! I tried to eat the woman who lived there, but she insisted on being nice to me. When I was feeling better and gained some weight, she began making me work for food and affection- I had to work work work like a *cough* like a dog! Dayum!
I found out when I did this, and stopped trying to kill people, they started being nice to me! My weakest baby, Carter, died. But Clinton and Byrd found homes quickly. (Dr. Erenberg is holding them in his staff photo). I kept sitting at the Much Love Adoptions but nobody would take me home. One grey day in January a woman with red hair walked into the play pen just as that golden mutt was humping me. She oo'd and ahh'd over me, but walked away. Then she came back! But walked away again carrying some papers. 2 days later she showed up at the kennel where I was living and took me to her home in Santa Monica. It's not as big or fancy as the home in Oxnard, but I have a kitten I can chase + a sunny breezy patio with meditating wind chimes. I'm also very close to the fancy Montana Avenue - we get gourmet treats from the stores.
I was very spoiled until the trainer came over and taught my leader to make me work for food and affection. This sucked. But I feel happier knowing I don't have to be the leader anymore. After 2-3 years of guarding a dangerous drug house in Downtown LA, I can now sit back and let Kara take care of everything and all I have to do is not pull her when we go for walks. And be nice to the dogs at the dog park. ok, now and then she makes me sit on command *rolling eyes* the things we do for snacks...
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